Running Boards and Truck Steps – Helping People of All Heights Enjoy Big Trucks

Ever wonder how the idea for the big rig came into being? More likely than not, it had something to do with the horse. Horses provided a height advantage to those early pioneers of the plain, allowing the rider to sit tall in the saddle and survey the surrounding landscape. Now, imagine a cowboy jumping up into the saddle. Laughable, isn’t it? That’s why a saddle has stirrups.
Motoring is one of the many joys in life… or at least it should be. But, when you and your passengers have to haul yourselves in and out of a raised rig, your joy can be seriously diminished. Plus, you risk the possibility of injury when adding slippery pavement or uneven ground into the mix. Luckily, convenience and safety are literally only one simple step away.
Side steps, also known as step bars or truck steps, are made of durable aluminum or stainless steel and feature treaded pads to provide a non-slip surface for stepping in and out of your cab. These treaded pads also channel water away from the stepping area, providing safe, all-weather traction when the ground beneath offers anything but.
Truck running boards and step bars provide an additional benefit: protection for your bodyline. Whether you’re off road or sitting in the parking lot, everything from boulders and fallen trees to car doors and shopping carts threaten to dent or scratch your finish. A side step or running board provides the first line of defense, stopping the worst of these before they reach your exterior.
A side step and its dressed-up cousin, the running board, are custom-tailored to your make, model and year. On average, they’re constructed from 3″ metal tubing and come finished in a polished, chrome or black powder finish, adding a solid look to the exterior of your vehicle. Step bars support up to 300 lbs and running boards up to 500 lbs, each providing the reliable durability required for frequent use. Plus, they’re available with add-ons like optional lights for those looking to add some extra flash.
If these options sound familiar, they should. They’re the exact same thing your dealer tried to sell you as part of their “sport” package…their expensive sport package. Aftermarket running boards and truck steps allow the do-it-yourselfer to upgrade their rig with the same factory-style products for a fraction of the cost. They come with all the necessary mounting hardware, and most bolt right into pre-existing mounting positions on your frame with no drilling needed.