Get Back to Basics – Car Salesman Tips
From time to time you will see a “Green Pea” (new car sales person) come out of training and hit the sales floor with their new found car sales knowledge and start selling cars. This person follows their sales training and car salesman tips to the letter and starts making deals right and left. They are excited and quite proud of their success in their new car sales career. They are smiling all the time and greeting their customers with enthusiasm while they chalk up more sales and commissions.
Then as time goes by they start to think that they can shortcut the steps of their training and save some time and energy. They also start to believe that they can pick out a sure sale at first sight and begin to pick and choose their customers. Then before they know what hit them their sales start dropping and so do their commissions. The new automobile salesperson is scratching their head trying figure out why nobody is buying from them. It is because they need to get back to the basics of their car salesman training and sales tips. Read on and you will discover the most basic and most important car salesman tips for being a successful car sales person.
#1 Basic Car Salesman Tip: Discovery
The basic meet and greet is the first meeting of the car salesman and the potential car buyer and a very critical step to selling cars. You know what they say about first impressions and it’s not any different when it comes to being a selling cars for a living. Introducing yourself in a prompt professional manner is the proper thing to do, but if you are dressed poorly or smell like an ashtray you stand a good chance of making a bad first impression. You must look, act, dress and speak like a professional to make a good impression. This car salesman tip will get you off on the right foot.
#2 Basic Car Salesman Tip: Selection
This car salesman tip may seem obvious, but proper selection is often overlooked by novice car sales people. You will never sell and the buyer will never buy the wrong car at the right price. All car buyers would like to have the top of the line automobile at the price of a base car. When you spend some time talking and determining their needs and you will save yourself a load of grief. If you show your customer the fully loaded model and they can only afford the base model you take a chance of embarrassing them. However if you show them the base model and they can afford more they will bump themselves. It is easy to step them up to the nicer models, but very hard and uncomfortable to bring them back down to a model that fits their budget.
#3 Basic Car Salesman Tip: Cherry Picking
Cherry picking is the practice of a car salesman that thinks they can determine the credit worthiness or buying potential of a customer by looking at them. Then they will decide if they are going to wait on that customer or let another salesman help them. The downside of cherry picking is that customers will often dress down and intentionally try to look less desirable as a defense strategy. They want the salesman to think they that they don’t have money or credit so that they won’t be pressured. I have seen many sales people miss out on very nice commissions by cherry picking. The moral of this car salesman tip is that you can’t pick out the buyers and the lookers by looking at them. The more people you help the more you will sell; it’s all about the numbers.
When you get in a car sales slump go back and read these very basic, but very important car salesman tips. You need to come off as a professional from the very start and get to know your customer and their needs. Talk to as many potential customers as you can, stick to the basics and your numbers will continue to climb as well as your commissions.