Application Procedures of Planner Boards For Fishing

A planner board system is very important for an enthusiastic fisherman, which helps him to reach out to places in the water where an ordinary fishing rod cannot reach easily. Thus, it is essential equipment for a fisherman, mainly in the case of the trolling system of fishing. While the fishing line can cover only a limited space in the water, planner boards can go down deep into the water and may extend up to more than 150 feet away from a boat. Moreover, the fishermen can control the length of the line between the boards and baits, by reeling the line according to their requirements.
How to fit the planner boards on a fishing boat
A fisherman needs board, fishing rod, release clips, and a fishing tackle line for fixing the planner board system on a boat. He should also keep a board, mast, reel, and cable for installing planner boards on both sides of the boat.
ï§ These boards need to be balanced by installing a short-sized mast on the deck of the boat. If the deck is not strong enough to carry this extra burden, then it is best to install a backup board to strengthen the deck structure. This board is fitted by putting in screws through the drilled holes, made on the prior marked spots of the deck.
ï§ Then the mast is tightly fitted with screws on the base plate of this board. The movement of this mast indicates the direction to which the boat is needed to be steered. However, care must be taken to keep the mast fixed to its spot, by preventing too much swaying in the wind that can cause uprooting of this structure from the deck.
ï§ The mast is useful in controlling the functions of planner boards and the fishing line, fitted on the boat. So the fisherman needs to install the fishing line on this board system, to start fishing in the river water even during the high tides. When he releases the line up to the required length, the reel should be locked to prevent further lengthening of the line. If fishermen want to deploy multiple fishing lines at a time, they need to install more than one board on their boats.
Benefits of installing planner boards on fishing boat decks
ï§ If multiple fishing lines are used in a boat, there are high chances of all these lines getting mangled by twisting with each other. The planner boards prevent such a situation by keeping all lines away from one another, by spreading these lines in different directions from the sides of a boat.
ï§ This board alerts the fisherman immediately when a fish has swallowed the bait attached to the end of the fishing line. The board will be tilted back due to the weight of the fish caught in the line, from which its presence can be known. However, the current versions of these boards have swifter and crisper styles of indications for fulfilling the main aim of fishing.
ï§ The fishing lines can be sent to any depth within the water with the help of planner boards, to help fishermen in reaching levels where lots of fishes are available. Thus, it is possible to catch a large number of fishes from river water, due to the efficiency of these well-installed boards. Fishermen need not worry about fishing in water with high currents when they have successfully installed these boards on their boats.
The fishing style with the use of planner boards is fast gaining popularity among passionate fishermen. The advantages of this system justify the expense and the effort of installing it on a fishing boat.